The joy of a home cooked meal. There is something about it. I can’t tell you exactly what it is, why it means so much to me, or what it means to you. All I can clearly say is that it is not something that I really appreciated until it was gone.
My mother can cook. And while we didn’t live on a far, suburban Chicago still knows how to bake an apple pie.
For me, cooking is freedom, meditation, and a treat. It’s good for clearing my mind after a long day. I don’t get to cook at home nearly as much as I would like, but when I do I feel right at home. I also find great satisfaction in efficient prep, kitchen chemistry and resetting the space ready for next time.
It is easy if you are motivated. But as my friends say: “why would I want to spend time cooking.”
If you want to enjoy cooking, and I mean really enjoy it, you need to start out with something that is rewarding to you. Something that you like to eat when you are out because it is too much effort to make it yourself. Learn to master your favorite foods first. This will give you more knowledge than you will first realize. Whether that something readily available like pizza it doesn’t matter. You can always make a better pizza than you can buy. You simply need to practice. And who doesn’t like eating their practice?
As you become more experienced and you optimize/organize you kitchen/tools/food storage abilities, it will become less of a chore and become easier and easier.
Knowledge of food safety is also important.
I am amazed when one of my friends will tell me they aren’t feeling well. That is what happens when you leave your takeout out for days before finishing it off. I am thoroughly amazed that none of them have come down with a nasty case of food poisoning.
Use good ingredients. Even when you are getting started. It will be so much more rewarding.
When you know how to cook, you can make food that’s better tasting, healthier, and more affordable than what you can get at a typical restaurant (even when you splurge on the really expensive ingredients). What’s not to love?
Everyone needs to eat, but compliments are the best.